Things to Consider When Moving to New Jersey

Deciding to move your life to New Jersey is a pretty big deal. Not just because it may be the best state in the country but because it is known for its schools, jobs, and great overall atmosphere. You get the best of both worlds a bit of city and a bit of country depending if you want to live in South Jersey or North Jersey. The Garden State has beautiful beaches, kick-ass nightlife, and you are in New York City’s doorstep, so what more could you want?
People from New Jersey are friendly and loud but, above all, filled with pride for their state. The real estate market is booming and you will get a lot more for your buck. So whether you want to live at Midway Beach for the cool ocean air or party it up in Hoboken while out at Black Bear, there are tons of choices and you will be thrilled with whatever you chose. Here are some things to consider if you’re thinking of unleashing the Jersey lover in you.
The Taxes
This particular area is where you’ll want to do the thinking because, once you leave the city, the money you save on housing can be wiped out by what you end up paying in taxes. Although New Jersey does have the highest property taxes in the country, you get a lot for your payment—especially if you have children.
By choosing to move into the suburbs you will be able to balance out the cost that you may have been paying in New York City taxes. New Jersey’s income tax is much lower than those of Manhattan. It also depends on what kind of move you are thinking of making. For example, if you are older and looking for an assisted living community in Booton, NJ, you may not even need to think of property taxes since your rent at the senior living community will cover it. It will all come down to your personal finances to whether you will be saving money or breaking even. If you happen to have an accountant, it may be a good idea to speak with them first to get a good bearing on what you can realistically afford.
The Commute
If you’re looking to make the move out of the big city and into Jersey City, Morristown, or Hoboken because there are cheaper apartments with more space just double check on what your commute will look like. Since we’ve been living through the COVID-19 pandemic and working from home, it may not be such a big deal, but if it ever goes back to normal this could be a deal-breaker for you. Some jobs may give you an allowance for commuting but more often than not they won’t.
The MTA is known to raise the prices of the monthly Metrocard so you will need to make a separate budget just for that. New Jersey Transit and the MTA are not always great in the winter months and often have delays or completely shut down to the snowfall. If you decide to drive, there are also plenty of tolls in the Garden State so you may want to look into an EZ-pass. The George Washington Bridge and Lincoln Tunnel will both cost you but, on your way, home it will be free. If your building has free parking that is great but more often than not you will have to pay which can also be costly.
New Jersey towns are also known to have a waiting list a mile long for their local train station so you may want to touch base with your town hall. Moving to New Jersey may also mean you need to invest in a car. If you have been living in the city you may not have needed one, but you will here. Especially if you fancy venturing out to Garden State Plaza for all your shopping needs. If you are moving from another state, you may not be surprised at the amount of driving that will be asked of you but to get to most anything you will need to drive. The malls, restaurants, movie theaters, cute downtowns, and that trusted dentist in Morristown, NJ will all have free parking. If you do need to buy a new car or a second car it is important to take into consideration how much gas, upkeep, and insurance may set you back.
House vs. Apartment
If you’re making the move from an apartment to a full-blown house, you’re going to be looking at a very different set of expenses that you will need to make sure you can cover. If you are moving from a condo or an apartment, you won’t have to pay common charges anymore, but you will have to start paying property tax. There are also utility bills that will need to be covered even before you own a home. It’s good to prepare for the cost of water, heating, and electricity since you may have more space that will be needing heat and lighting or even a water purification systems. Even lawn work will become a weekend hobby. Whether you’re blowing leaves or shoveling snow it will become your responsibility, which isn’t always a bad thing if you have some kids to help you out with the chores. Owning a home comes with year-round responsibility that not everyone is ready for whether you are moving to New Jersey or not.
Great Schools
One of the best reasons to live in New Jersey is because it is home to some of the best schools in the United States. Middlesex and Essex county public school are rated one of the highest in the state. Most schools will offer strong resources such as ESL, SPED, and AP classes. New Jersey also has options for higher education where in-state pupils can get a discount on tuition. There is William Paterson University, which is known for its teaching and nursing programs, Rutgers University which a top-level school and even Rider University is known as the go-to from Northern New Jersey graduates. Many public schools offer more than one language to learn as well as a multitude of sports to play.
Plenty of Heart
The best reason above all to move to New Jersey is the sense of family you’ll be surrounded with. While there are many strong cultures that preach about family values residing in the Garden State there is no place better to learn how friends become family. Many nights you can find friends and family hanging out on their basement floor coating just laughing and dreaming. Once you move to New Jersey there is no escaping the love that people from the New Jersey area bring with them. People in the state take care of their families, their homes, and their friends. Whether that means repainting the concrete basement floor with a durable epoxy to make sure your basement is secure, or visiting relatives and friends at a senior living community, Jersey folks know how to show their love and support for the community.
This state is one of the most magical places to raise your family, find love, and work. Not to mention that it’s known for some of the best food on the planet. You haven’t tasted pizza or a sub until you’ve gone to a proper New Jersey spot. New Jersey can claim icons like Bruce Springsteen, Bon Jovi, and Rutt’s Hutt if you’re in the mood for a ripper with onion rings on the side! Don’t just take my word for it, come on down and explore why New Jersey is the only place to live.